Empowering Equity and Welcoming Diversity in Astronomy

Persistent systemic inequalities are observed for women in Astronomy and STEM fields throughout their professional journeys. Effectively addressing these challenges requires a proactive approach focused on raising awareness, supported by comprehensive statistical data. This approach is crucial for closely monitoring career hurdles and addressing underlying barriers to workplace equality, contributing significantly to rectifying the leaky pipeline effect and gender imbalances in STEM careers.

The International Astronomical Union Women in Astronomy (IAU WiA) working group, an integral part of the IAU Executive Committee, is dedicated to increasing awareness of gender balance issues and the status of women in Astronomy. The group is committed to supporting the global aspirations of female astronomers and taking concrete actions to promote equal opportunities for both women and men in the field of astronomy. The acting IAU WiA Working Group has established a new organizing committee, unveiling a comprehensive four-point plan designed to strengthen various aspects of the group's mission, such as:

  1. Awareness Sustainability: Achieved through surveys and data collection.
  2. Training and Skill Building: Focused on professional development.
  3. Fundraising: To support key initiatives.
  4. Communication: Dissemination of results through conferences, WG Magazines, newsletters, and more.

This year the IAU Executive Committee WiA WG is pleased to announce its collaboration with the African Astronomical Society and the African Network of Women in Astronomy (AfNWA) in hosting the WiA session for the XXXII IAU 2024 General Assembly.

The purpose of this meeting is to:

  • Facilitate discussions among astronomers on gender balance issues and policies supporting the careers of women researchers engaged in international mega projects with African collaboration, including the Square Kilometer Array (SKA), MeerKAT, African Very Long Baseline Interferometry (AVN), Southern African Large Telescope (SALT), High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.), Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), and Africa Millimetre Telescope (AMT).
  • Offer an in-depth examination of targeted surveys shedding light on factors influencing the careers of women in Astronomy, with a particular focus on the experiences of mothers. Emphasize deficiencies in inclusive policies, equal hiring opportunities, and funding support crucial for sustaining the careers of women researchers. Highlight the persistent challenge of the leaky pipeline phenomenon in Astronomy, stressing that current efforts have not effectively addressed this issue.
  • Showcase specific initiatives undertaken by the IAU WiA Working Group, AfNWA, and institutions globally to promote inclusivity and equal opportunities in Astronomy.
  • Foster discussions on the ongoing efforts adopted by funding agencies, institutions, and Astronomy projects to counteract the leaky pipeline effect and enhance career opportunities within the field of Astronomy.



  1. Session 1- Statistics, Gender Balance, and Leaky Pipeline Effect in Astronomy, Problems (health, finances), consequences (job security and retirement) and career stories
  2. Session 2- Mega Projects (SKA, MeerKAT, AVN, SALT, HESS, CTA, AMT) in South Africa and gender balance policies 
  3. Session 3- Awareness and efforts by the IAU, AfNWA, and institutions worldwide
  4. Session 4- Opportunities, efforts by Funding agencies, Career Options in Astronomy



  1. Mamta Pommier
  2. Mirjana Povic
  3. Yasmín Catricheo
  4. Michelle Lochner
  5. Asha Stabback


THE WOMEN IN ASTRONOMY LUNCH & MENTORING SESSION- will be held on 9th (in-person) and 12th (Online) of August 2024.

Link to the XXXII IAU 2024 General Assembly-https://astronomy2024.org/



The Chair of the WiA WG, is pleased to launch the ‘STEM Ambassador Recognition award'  for the first time since the IAU's founding in 1919, at this General Assembly, especially on the African continent, which is home to several major astronomy projects. This inaugural award will recognize individuals who have made significant, consistent contributions to promoting gender balance in astronomy. We will honor at least five advocates from diverse backgrounds for their impactful efforts in this direction. Please note that certificates will be awarded to the advocates after IAU GA2024.



In alignment with our commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in astronomy, we kindly request your participation in the Gender Equity Survey organized by the IAU Women in Astronomy Working Group. This survey aims to provide National Astronomy Communities (NACs) and institutions with an updated overview of global efforts to ensure equal opportunities for individuals of all genders in astronomy. The insights gathered will help us adopt best practices to promote diversity and inclusion in the field.

Please take a moment to complete the survey using the following link:

IAU Gender Equity Surveyhttps://forms.gle/qjZ4h3w1A2Hgqfdi6.

Thank you for your valuable participation.




Mamta Pommier (Chair, IAU WiA WG, FR), Mirjana Pović (Vice-President, AfAS EC, Ethiopia), Arianna Piccialli, Belinda Wilkes, Alshaimaa Saad, Priya Hasan (Co-Chair, IAU WiA WG, IND), Jolanta Nastula



Mamta Pommier, Mirjana Pović, Alshaimaa Saad, Priya Hasan



Mamta Pommier (Chair, IAU WiA WG, FR

For any queries please contact: iauwia2124@gmail.com







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